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(S2 E3) Humanity First: Finding Strength in Kindness, Empathy, & Respect




Episode Notes:

In this episode of The Leading for Children Podcast, your hosts Judy Jablon and Nichole Parks are joined by Kyson Bunthuwong, Vivian Matalon, and show producer Julia Connolly for a timely conversation about how kindness, empathy, and respect are among our greatest human strengths—and what a world grounded in these values might look and feel like.

To learn more about Leading for Children’s Humanity First Model, visit our website here.


A Quote to Take Away: Nichole shared, “I think it’s very important that we don’t lose ourselves and the core of who we are, and our kindness, and our humanity, when we stand up for ourselves. I want to be clear, I think now is the time we definitely should stand up. However, I think that we can always stand up with kindness.”


Thanks for listening!
